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Bibliography and Footnotes VIII

References and Third-Party Citations

  1. “Central Bank Digital Secure Coin.” n.d. CBDC Science.  

  2. Deloitte, Laurent Collet, Patrick Laurent, and Francesca Messini. 2020. “Are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) the money of tomorrow?” Are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) the money of tomorrow?

  3. Ghose, Ronit, Judy Zhang, Kaiwan Master, Ronak S Shah, and Yafei Tian. 2021. “Future of Money." "Crypto, CBDC and 21st Century Cash" 1, no. 1 (April): 104.  

  4. Grothoff, Christian, and Thomas Moser. 2021. “How to issue a privacy-preserving Central Bank digital currency.” SUERF Policy Brief E42, E51, E52, E58, G2., no. No 114 (June): 1.  

  5. Michael Kumhof. 2018. “Central Bank digital currencies — design principles and balance sheet implications.” Central Bank digital currencies — design principles and balance sheet implications Staff Working Paper No. 725, no. Staff Working Paper No. 725 (May): 54

  6. Nakamoto, Satoshi. n.d. “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.” .  

  7. RBI and Shri T Rabi Sankar. 2021. “Central Bank Digital Currency – Is This the Future of Money.” Central Bank Digital Currency – Is This the Future of Money?  

  8. Tong, Wu, and Chen Jaiyou. n.d. “A study of the economic impact of the Central Bank digital currency under global competition.” China Economic Journal 14:1, 78-101, DOI:10.1080/17538963.2020.1870282. .

  9. Source: BIS Paper No. 114 titled "Ready, steady, go? Results of the third BIS survey on Central Bank digital currency" Material available freely at 

  10. “World Bank. 2021. Central Bank Digital Currency: Background Technical Note. World Bank, Washington, DC. © World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.”

  11. Report on Digital Euro by ECB, OCT 2020

  1. Project Hamilton is a multi-year, collaborative research project between the MIT Digital Currency Initiative and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Technical paper

18. National Blockchain Strategy, India

Public Data

I. 2017 Global Findex Database

II. Financial Access Survey Program launched in 2009 Search Data, Country: India in the public URL below, hosted by International Monetary Fund:

III. Personal remittances received (current US$) - India   World Bank staff estimates based on IMF balance of payments data

IV. Socio Economic and Caste Census(SECC) 2011

V. Public Data Search Engine: Search Data based on Select Indicators, cited in Open Research.

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